Friday, June 17, 2016


Yes, I said it. I know, I know – frozen cocktails bring back memories of…gasp..the 90s cocktail era. We all love the 90s for some pretty specific reasons, but cocktails aren’t on that list. So, why on earth would we be bring back frozen beverages in a world of craft & classic cocktails? Sort of a good question. In part, I think frozen drinks have made somewhat of a comeback because, well, we’re just bored with stuff. Think about it – if you live and breathe cocktails, after a while the Manhattan just doesn’t stir (or shake) your creative juices. So, you start reaching for stuff, even if it’s of questionable value.

That being said, I DO very much think that frozen drinks have their place in the craft cocktail world, largely because frozen the “craft” label shouldn’t be reserved for certain techniques, but rather a process or set of values, such as high quality ingredients, creativity, balance, etc. To be sure, the sickly sweet cocktail mixers of the 90s should be, once and for all, retired. I’m not advocated for that. BUT, that doesn’t mean you can’t use high quality ingredients and blend your beverage too.

So, glasses raised to the frozen beverage.Screen Shot 2016-06-17 at 2.29.04 PM

from Food & Beverage by Bobby Caples

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from Bobby Caples

Perfect Shot

Stumbled across this shot on the internets recently and it just perfectly sums up what I love about scooters – the freedom on mobility and access to life that just seems to be bigger on a scooter. Somehow experiencing the world is just different than when I’m in my “cage” (aka car)!Screen Shot 2016-06-17 at 2.22.33 PM

from Bobby Caples’ Scooter

from WordPress
from Bobby Caples

Friday, June 10, 2016

For a break from service, try…service

If you’re anything like me, sometimes you lose that day-to-day passion for what you do. I’m not talking about that long-term passion – the kind that’s in your bones. I’m talking about the enthusiasm you feel on the drive to work, assuming you’ve got a job that you’d normally be passionate about. I’m talking about the drive to stay a bit late to finish a project, the creative juice to imagine a new solution to a problem, etc. You’re still down for the cause, you’re just not emotionally connected to it as you sometimes are.

Conventional wisdom may suggest balance – finding a sport, spending more time with friends, otherwise taking more time off. I’m not against those things, but another idea is to find balance by actually doing more of the activity, in a way. By “activity” I don’t mean spend more hours actually engaged in what you’re not feeling, but some other unrelated, though service-related project, that you may feel. The idea is to revive that feeling of passion, and hope that it carries over into your main area of concentration.

Give it a shot – then give me a shout. I’d be curious if it works for you.

from Bobby Caples Commitment to Service

from WordPress
from Bobby Caples