Sunday, May 24, 2015

We’ve all got to have goals!

Bobby Caples Lake House

Posting this little tidbit so the universe can hear me loud and clear! Lake house, here we come….

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from Bobby Caples

Scooter Repair

A while ago while Phoenix, a man was having fun when he tipped over his parked scooter next to the parked scooter of one, Bobby Caples. What followed was not pretty, but I got lucky – the man’s wife felt bad and offered to pay, in full, the repairs. I hadn’t, until now, thought to link this site with pictures of the repair, so here you go!

Bobby Caples is now happy again.

from Bobby Caples’ Scooter

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from Bobby Caples

Monday, May 18, 2015

Rhubarb Season!

I think I’ve particularly looked forward to rhubarb season because there actually is one. Yeah, there is strawberry season, blueberry season, etc., but you can really find versions of those things around town pretty much all year. Rhubarb? Nope. You actually have to wait for it to be in season! This is pretty exciting, so now that it’s in season, it’s time to play.

First up: The Raspberry Rhubarb Mojito. Basically, same as a regular mojito, just muddled raspberry and rhubarb as well!

There, there’s also this!

from Bobby Caples Cooking

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from Bobby Caples

Gratitude in Service

Over the past few weeks with some of the projects I’ve been working on, I’ve not felt completely happy with how things have been going, but have been unable to really put my finger on it. Things have been going well by most measurable standards, but I just didn’t feel entirely positive about everything.

Heard a talk yesterday given that really inspired me to take stock of all the great things in my professional life right now, and started reflecting on gratitude. I realized how incredibly lucky I was in so many ways. Interestingly, I started to feel more positive about the projects I’ve been working on, and realized that the negativity I had been feeling wasn’t due to things going wrong, but my failure to acknowledge that things were actually going right.

So, gratitude. My new habit.

from Bobby Caples Commitment to Service

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from Bobby Caples

Warm weather ridin’

It’s that time of year folks!2015-04-30 13.56.05 copy

from Bobby Caples’ Scooter

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from Bobby Caples

Merit Pay

Diane Ravitch recently blogged again about an article advocating against merit pay for teachers. While I often find myself not agreeing with Diane on a lot of topics, I do side with her on this one.

There are two ways to attack this issue: from the neutral perspective of data (simply asking if the technique works), and from a theoretical one.

From a data-based perspective, I’ll leave that to other folks who have those data to confirm, but my understanding is that it’s been tried, and hasn’t worked. If that’s the case, sort of end of story on that point.

From a theoretical perspective, my initial response is actually that I do think there is a salary point above which merit pay would work. To use an extreme example to illustrate the concept, let’s say teachers were given a $300,000 bonus if their kids’ test scores were above a certain point. I don’t think all teachers would be able to accomplish this with all kids, but I do think we’d seen an increase in effort and time spent by teachers, and better results. My sense is that you’d see teachers exerting all kinds of crazy effort trying to improve their game and get results.

However, when we’re talking practically and considering what merit pay actually looks like – the actual amounts offered – it just doesn’t make sense. On the contrary, what we see is a reduction of effort because teachers – many of whom are driven by passion for students and learning – are insulted that their worth or results would be reduced to a few hundred extra dollars. They’re insulted that they’re being told through such an incentive program that they aren’t really trying as hard as they can, because if the powers that be did believe they were trying their hardest, they wouldn’t be offering this incentive program.

So, for now, I’ll enjoy this moment of consensus with Diane!

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from Bobby Caples

Monday, May 11, 2015

Tequila for Cinco De Mayo

Hibiscus-Tequila CoolerTurns out Cinco De Mayo is a REAL holiday! Yes, it celebrates the Mexican Victory in an important battle back in the 1800s. Mexican Independence Day? Nope, but still a reason to sample some beverages inspired by folks south of the border.


from Bobby Caples Cooking

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from Bobby Caples

Vespas – Italian or…Vietnamese?

Very interesting read – turns out they’re made in Vietnam. But the signage in Starbucks made me associate them with Italian Roast!

from Bobby Caples’ Scooter

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from Bobby Caples

Corporate Service

When people think of corporate service, they tend to think of one of two things: Either a company writing a check, or a company sending a bunch of volunteers out for a day to do some kind of physical service wearing a company T-Shirt. These are both fine and can accomplish some cool things, but I’d like to propose another form of corporate service,

This alternative model starts specifically with assessing internal resources within a company. Obviously, with a big company, this list could be potentially huge and endless. So, starting small – in one department – may be helpful.

The next step is to identify how those resources could be leveraged to provide an authentic opportunity for folks in the community. For example, could a construction company do a job skills training program for veterans once a month, run by company employees with company equipment?

Programs could be in collaboration with a nonprofit, or by themselves. There are no set rules. The idea, though, is that we always think of individuals being able to leverage their personal resources to do good. Why can’t companies do the same, but in an active and engaged way?

from Bobby Caples Commitment to Service

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from Bobby Caples

Spring Cocktails

This spring I’ve been all about fresh ingredients, from herbs to fruit. The farmers market has become a routine stop for me, even to the point of not being able to use my rewards credit card and having to revert to cash or debit! The end result has been worth it, though. Here are a few ideas from someone other than me to prove it:

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from Bobby Caples

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Journaling – Here we go again

Seems like forever ago that I last journaled, but a recent conversation with a friend brought it up again, so I figured why not jump on this new “blog” trend, right? All jokes aside (I know blogs are about as new as my old 1993 Saturn), why not jump in and reflect a bit so others can peep?

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from Bobby Caples