Sunday, December 20, 2015

Battery Replacement (Motobatt)

AMA-Pro-MotoBatt-Battery-MBTX12U-Hot-ProductI was oh-so-excited to pull out of my garage recently only to discover that wasn’t an option. I turned the key to the “on” position, but alas – a tiny bit of turnover, but not enough to get it going. I was a bit bummed at first, then started to see it like I see most everything else in the “it’s broken” category – an opportunity to get handy. So, I got online, did some research, and ordered a battery. It came in, I installed it, and voila – now she runs! While I can’t say what I did was hugely difficulty, it did give me a slight confidence boost – the feeling that, if something does go wrong, maybe – just maybe – I can fix it!

from Bobby Caples’ Scooter

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from Bobby Caples

Friday, October 30, 2015

Racial isolation & student achievement – which is actually better?

In the United States, the history & struggle for racial integration of schools has largely been a social & political issue. Seldom has the question been raised, “In which setting do students actually do better?” Sarah Sparks at Education week reports on folks trying to answer this question, and draws the conclusion that “racial isolation” is worse for students of color. I don’t dispute the findings, or disagree with them. However, I wanted to present a bit of my own data analysis to present a slight twist on this perspective.

I’ve worked with youth in several, somewhat large, Southern school districts, and found an interesting trend: Black students in predominantly White schools actually tend to do worse. I’m basing this observation of relative performance on state and national tests, reported by state departments of education, available online. Where I’ve noticed this trend particularly is in schools with around 30-50% Black students, and in which those students come from highly impoverished areas in which school districts split up areas of concentrated poverty by sending students to different schools. This trend seems to be left over from a bygone area in which neighborhood schools were redistricted so that Black, poor residents from a single neighborhood didn’t all end up going to the same school.

Take this for what you will. I’ve come up with a few hypotheses as to why this may be happening, but my main point of this blog post is not to advocate for racial isolation, segregation, etc., but to make the point that just because we value something doesn’t make it good. We may like the idea of Black & White students attending schools together, but does such racial integration actually lead to greater levels of academic achievement? Here’s an even more interesting question: For purposes of social justice & morality, would we be okay with racially integrated schools even if they did worse? In other words, would our priority for “doing the right thing” trump results? Still, put another way, could the means justify the end? These are questions I don’t have the answer to, but certainly like to think about.

So, while not the main point of this post, I’d be remiss if I didn’t at least briefly bring in my thoughts on why racially integrated schools may not do as well. In short, my thoughts center around two hypotheses. First, greater academic heterogeneity may be impeding teacher effectiveness during whole group instruction. When teachers have students with a much wider range of skills in a classroom, it’s harder to design instruction which meets the needs of all students. In most of the schools I looked at, the Black students came from lower wealth backgrounds, and as a result often lower levels of incoming academic achievement. Higher diversity with SES lead to higher diversity with beginning academic achievement. By contrast, when students attend school with students of similar SES status, academic achievement may be more homogeneous, helping teachers plan effective whole group instruction that meets the needs of more students in the classroom.

Second, discipline: different groups of people tend to have different approaches to discipline, which means that when those kids get to school, teachers may experience different levels of success with certain disciplinary approaches with different types of students. Again going with the homogeneity argument, when you have students from similar demographic backgrounds, you’re more likely to be able to find a consistent classwide & schoolwide disciplinary approach that will work for more students. Contrast that with a school with a lot of different types of students with different disciplinary needs – an approach devised for 70% of the school may not work with the other 30%.

A lesser, though potentially valid, hypothesis is with teacher self-selection of location. In short, teachers tend to choose the schools they work in, and tend to choose those schools for particular reasons. Teachers who choose to work in schools with a population of 70% White students from wealthier backgrounds may not as likely gravitate toward Black students from lower wealth backgrounds. I realize this is grossly exaggerated, and in no way encompasses all teachers, but those of us who have worked in schools have most likely had conversations with fellow educators about preferences in terms of who we work with.

Again, the take home here isn’t any one particular conclusion, just that our values & common sense aren’t necessarily the best predictors or indicators of outcomes.

from Bobby Caples Commitment to Service

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from Bobby Caples

Succumbing to Trend – the Yarai mixer

yaraiI probably fall somewhere in the middle of the spectrum in terms of trend consumption. Sometimes I rail against tend, sometimes I silently acquiesce and hope no one notices :). Often, the line for me is function over form – if the choice is between something not trend and functional, and something trendy but just as functional – sure – I’ll go trendy. I might even spend a few more dollars to get there!

Enter the Yarai mixer. There’s no real function to this mixer, at least more than incidental benefit – it does cool cocktails a bit more effectively, and allow you to preview what you’re making before you serve it, but at the end of the day (or cocktail prep, as it were) – the cocktail is going to taste & look, essentially, the same. Why, then, did I decide upon a Yarai mixer for my latest purchase? Well, I guess this time trend won!

from Bobby Caples Cooking

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from Bobby Caples

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Fall Riding is Here!

fall_colors_2___flcl_cosplay___haruko__s_vespa_by_boomerjinks-d5i4rwePretty excited that Fall is here, even if it really isn’t yet. Make no mistake – this photo is clearly not in my neighborhood, because none of the leaves are changed. However, the winter helmet is out and in use, so that means foliage is just around the corner. Looking forward to riding!

from Bobby Caples’ Scooter

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from Bobby Caples

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Evolution of after-school programming & next steps

It’s only been a matter of time – tons of money over the past 15 years has been dumped into after-school programming, with some important studies showing minimal results. That doesn’t mean, though, that after-school programs don’t work – it means that they’re only as good as they are good. After-school programs aren’t just good because they are – they’re good if they do the right things.

This article by Kathryn Baron (“As School Day Grows, Ties Deepen Between Schools, Providers”) on highlights one such set of strategies that make some after-school programs better than others – collaboration with schools. Historically, this kind of idea has been paid great lip service by program providers for year, along with a number of other strategies. However, Baron highlights what looks to be actual, meaningful collaboration between after-school programs and providers.

First, a bit of background context: In short, after-school programs became really popular in the late 90s and early 2000s. Things like 21st Century Community Learning Centers (a huge federal grant program) fanned the flames, and before long we went from having a few YMCAs and Boys & Girls Clubs to having after-school programs in almost every school, church, and community program. The first few large-scale evaluations of 21st CCLC, though, didn’t look too good – in short, programs didn’t deliver, and in some cases made things worse.

Since, with initiatives such as after-school alliances, more research, school accountability, and general professionalization of the field, programs have started to improve. We’re starting to see more and more programs come along that are adding more to the mix than just sports and childcare.

So, what’s the take-home lesson for program providers with this article? The obvious, “teed up” answer is collaboration – the more youth workers talk to each other, the more those folks can coordinate and provide consistent support across each child’s environment. Everything from behavior to reading fluency benefits from this, if done right. More broadly, though, I’d argue that a bigger lesson from Baron’s article is meat, or substance. In other words, we need to audit each of our strategies – from overt, structured programs to latent, background processes – and ask ourselves, in a data-based method, if what we’re doing works. Collaboration, after all, may not really work in some environments – some schools and teachers aren’t able or willing to participate. So, program providers can’t rely on a pre-made template or checklist as to what to do – providers need to become critical thinkers and self-evaluators, identifying their own best practices based on their own data collected from their own strategies, based on their own research and interpretation of best practices in their local program context.


from Bobby Caples Commitment to Service

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from Bobby Caples

Friday, August 14, 2015

Eye Protection

2015-06-16 12.38.21Picked up some new eyewear recently for the scooter. I had previously been using a pair of essentially shop glasses from a Harley dealership, but slowly (and surely) they got scratched and more scratched. These new glasses are pretty nice – block the wind a bit better, and still clear for night riding.

from Bobby Caples’ Scooter

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from Bobby Caples

Pineapple Syrup

2015-06-16 12.38.01As I’ve probably mentioned several times now, syrups have been my focus this summer, mostly as a byproduct of being into fresh ingredients that, by default, become less fresh quickly if you don’t do something with them. Mint has become mint syrup, plums have become plum syrup, and so on.

Some have been great – my favorite so far has probably been one of my first – a jalapeno syrup I made earlier this summer. The flavor of the pepper really came through without being too hot. And, of course, the sweet/hot combo was great.

My best recent accomplishment has been pineapple syrup. I’ve been pretty happy with this not only because it’s versatile and tastes good (it does), but because of how I made it. Rather than using the best part of the pineapple, I used the spare rinds leftover after slicing, but that still had some good “meat” on them. Normally these would have been thrown away, or maybe munched on a bit, but not the core part of a recipe. So, I not only got some great pineapple, but used the leftover waste ingredients to make something even better – pineapple syrup.

from Bobby Caples Cooking

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from Bobby Caples

Friday, July 10, 2015

New Report from University of Chicago

Great new report from the University of Chicago that comprehensively integrates youth development theory, broad educational objectives, and youth-oriented public policy. My review:

from Bobby Caples Commitment to Service

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from Bobby Caples

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Brinley Gold (Shipwreck) Coconut Rum

brinleygold_shipwreck_coconut750__93962.1405433484.1280.1280If you read other reviews of Shipwreck Coconut Rum, they almost invariably start with the same idea: We were leery because of Malibu. Don’t get me wrong – I can take Malibu. Yes, it smells (and tastes) of sun tan lotion, but so what if I think that?! But, really – Shipwreck? A whole new level. From the texture to the taste, this lives up to the “Gold” in it’s name.

I haven’t mastered it in cocktails yet, namely because I can’t seem to get past drinking it by itself, but I’m sure I’ll get there.

from Bobby Caples Cooking

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from Bobby Caples

Friday, June 12, 2015

Should We Let 3rd Graders Decide Educational Policy?

Note: This article has been cross-published on

First, let me state unequivocally that I care what students think about education. We should ask them frequently, and incorporate that feedback. Diane Ravitch, in a recent blog post, seemed to advocate though that we should allow students to actively make decisions about intricate elements of educational practice and policy independently.

More specifically, she praised a 3rd grader for, independently, opting out of state testing. She trusted his professional opinion about which elements of education to take part in. It’s not hard to see where I’m going with this.

Ravitch supporters have supported her historically by claiming that she using hyperbole to drive home messages. My critiques of her less-than-professional use of hyperbole aside, it’s hard to make a case that this falls into that category. She’s straight out suggesting that if a 3rd grader doesn’t like something, he shouldn’t have to do it.

So, start rolling your eyes – here’s where I state the obvious. Sammy is allowed to opt out of state tests, what about guided reading groups? Science lab? School discipline practices? Special education? Physical Education?

Clearly, again stating the obvious here, a 3rd grader doesn’t have the skills, experience, or cognitive maturity to understand the complexity of state tests. Say what you will, stand on whichever side of the line you prefer, but it isn’t simple enough for a 3rd grader to understand thoroughly.

Again, returning to my first point – I thoroughly believe in listening to students, even when it comes to things like state tests. But, under no circumstances should a a 3rd grader be given the power to make big-time educational decisions he can’t possibly understand.

The better question here is why Diane Ravitch could possibly think this is a good idea? Truthfully, I don’t think she probably does. She’s a smart woman – I’m sure she sees the logic in what I’m saying here. My best guess is that this makes for good press, and what is clear is that she’ll stop at nothing to get her message out and gain readers – after all, she recently blogged about her success with gaining 21 million page views.. This is fine, but not if you start publishing nonsense to get a reaction.

The problem, not just with this blog post, is that people will eventually catch on to your methods and stop taking you seriously. Most of her followers seems to die-hard pro-teacher-at-any-cost supporters who refuse to acknowledge a single valid point that is not their own. They refuse to acknowledge complexity or nuance of arguments, perspectives, or educational policy. Anything suggested by the Gates foundation must be wrong, anything ever accomplished by a non-non-profit or school must have a secret agenda.

I’ll end by saying what I’ve said plenty of times before – I’m probably more on Diane’s side of the argument more than I’m not. She has some good things to say, but doesn’t generally find a good way of saying them. I continue to hope she finds a more mature position from which to advocate for our shared positions, because I believe kids would benefit more if she did.

Until then….

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from Bobby Caples

Friday, June 5, 2015

Salt in Cocktails? Sure

This week’s craft cocktail experimentation has been a bit, um, strange. I suppose in some ways, no – after all, salt has been a staple of the margarita rim for a while now. But adding salt directly to your cocktail? Never thought of it, but perhaps I should have.

The good folks who authored this article reminded me of something I had already known with cooking – salt doesn’t always (or even usually) add flavor, but it enhances flavor, particularly in small volumes.

So far, I can’t say I’ve noticed any mind-blowing results, but I’ll keep trying. The only drawback is higher sodium intake, but that’s probably the least of concerns when it comes to consuming alcohol!

from Bobby Caples Cooking

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from Bobby Caples

Sunday, May 24, 2015

We’ve all got to have goals!

Bobby Caples Lake House

Posting this little tidbit so the universe can hear me loud and clear! Lake house, here we come….

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from Bobby Caples

Scooter Repair

A while ago while Phoenix, a man was having fun when he tipped over his parked scooter next to the parked scooter of one, Bobby Caples. What followed was not pretty, but I got lucky – the man’s wife felt bad and offered to pay, in full, the repairs. I hadn’t, until now, thought to link this site with pictures of the repair, so here you go!

Bobby Caples is now happy again.

from Bobby Caples’ Scooter

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from Bobby Caples

Monday, May 18, 2015

Rhubarb Season!

I think I’ve particularly looked forward to rhubarb season because there actually is one. Yeah, there is strawberry season, blueberry season, etc., but you can really find versions of those things around town pretty much all year. Rhubarb? Nope. You actually have to wait for it to be in season! This is pretty exciting, so now that it’s in season, it’s time to play.

First up: The Raspberry Rhubarb Mojito. Basically, same as a regular mojito, just muddled raspberry and rhubarb as well!

There, there’s also this!

from Bobby Caples Cooking

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from Bobby Caples

Gratitude in Service

Over the past few weeks with some of the projects I’ve been working on, I’ve not felt completely happy with how things have been going, but have been unable to really put my finger on it. Things have been going well by most measurable standards, but I just didn’t feel entirely positive about everything.

Heard a talk yesterday given that really inspired me to take stock of all the great things in my professional life right now, and started reflecting on gratitude. I realized how incredibly lucky I was in so many ways. Interestingly, I started to feel more positive about the projects I’ve been working on, and realized that the negativity I had been feeling wasn’t due to things going wrong, but my failure to acknowledge that things were actually going right.

So, gratitude. My new habit.

from Bobby Caples Commitment to Service

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from Bobby Caples

Warm weather ridin’

It’s that time of year folks!2015-04-30 13.56.05 copy

from Bobby Caples’ Scooter

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from Bobby Caples

Merit Pay

Diane Ravitch recently blogged again about an article advocating against merit pay for teachers. While I often find myself not agreeing with Diane on a lot of topics, I do side with her on this one.

There are two ways to attack this issue: from the neutral perspective of data (simply asking if the technique works), and from a theoretical one.

From a data-based perspective, I’ll leave that to other folks who have those data to confirm, but my understanding is that it’s been tried, and hasn’t worked. If that’s the case, sort of end of story on that point.

From a theoretical perspective, my initial response is actually that I do think there is a salary point above which merit pay would work. To use an extreme example to illustrate the concept, let’s say teachers were given a $300,000 bonus if their kids’ test scores were above a certain point. I don’t think all teachers would be able to accomplish this with all kids, but I do think we’d seen an increase in effort and time spent by teachers, and better results. My sense is that you’d see teachers exerting all kinds of crazy effort trying to improve their game and get results.

However, when we’re talking practically and considering what merit pay actually looks like – the actual amounts offered – it just doesn’t make sense. On the contrary, what we see is a reduction of effort because teachers – many of whom are driven by passion for students and learning – are insulted that their worth or results would be reduced to a few hundred extra dollars. They’re insulted that they’re being told through such an incentive program that they aren’t really trying as hard as they can, because if the powers that be did believe they were trying their hardest, they wouldn’t be offering this incentive program.

So, for now, I’ll enjoy this moment of consensus with Diane!

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from Bobby Caples

Monday, May 11, 2015

Tequila for Cinco De Mayo

Hibiscus-Tequila CoolerTurns out Cinco De Mayo is a REAL holiday! Yes, it celebrates the Mexican Victory in an important battle back in the 1800s. Mexican Independence Day? Nope, but still a reason to sample some beverages inspired by folks south of the border.


from Bobby Caples Cooking

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from Bobby Caples

Vespas – Italian or…Vietnamese?

Very interesting read – turns out they’re made in Vietnam. But the signage in Starbucks made me associate them with Italian Roast!

from Bobby Caples’ Scooter

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from Bobby Caples

Corporate Service

When people think of corporate service, they tend to think of one of two things: Either a company writing a check, or a company sending a bunch of volunteers out for a day to do some kind of physical service wearing a company T-Shirt. These are both fine and can accomplish some cool things, but I’d like to propose another form of corporate service,

This alternative model starts specifically with assessing internal resources within a company. Obviously, with a big company, this list could be potentially huge and endless. So, starting small – in one department – may be helpful.

The next step is to identify how those resources could be leveraged to provide an authentic opportunity for folks in the community. For example, could a construction company do a job skills training program for veterans once a month, run by company employees with company equipment?

Programs could be in collaboration with a nonprofit, or by themselves. There are no set rules. The idea, though, is that we always think of individuals being able to leverage their personal resources to do good. Why can’t companies do the same, but in an active and engaged way?

from Bobby Caples Commitment to Service

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from Bobby Caples

Spring Cocktails

This spring I’ve been all about fresh ingredients, from herbs to fruit. The farmers market has become a routine stop for me, even to the point of not being able to use my rewards credit card and having to revert to cash or debit! The end result has been worth it, though. Here are a few ideas from someone other than me to prove it:

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